Food for ThoughtExploring the complex and ever-changing realities of eating disorders, food, and bodies.
What Is Anorexia Athletica?
The Fear of Eating in Front of Others: Understanding and Overcoming this Common Eating Disorder Symptom
What Is Purging Disorder? Exploring Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Food Allergies and ARFID: What's the Connection?
5 Eating Disorder Thoughts You Might Not Realize Are Disordered
When Picky Eating Goes Awry: Understanding the Difference Between Selective Eating and ARFID
Is There a Link Between ADHD and Binge Eating?
Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use: The Unexpected Connections
What's the Connection Between OCD and Eating Disorders?
Boys & Men Get Eating Disorders Too: Diagnosing and Treating this Overlooked Population
When It’s not “Just” an Eating Disorder: What a Co-Occurring Diagnosis Means for Treatment
What Is Pica? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment for this Lesser-Known Eating Disorder
Eating Disorders and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?
Are Perfectionists More Likely to Get Eating Disorders?
How to Tell if Your Diet Is Actually an Eating Disorder
ARFID Might Not “Feel Like” an Eating Disorder. It Absolutely Is.
5 Early Signs of an Eating Disorder
Anorexia Binge-Purge Subtype Is More Common Than You Think. Here’s What to Know.
“Food Addiction” Treatment Isn’t Science-Backed: Here’s What’s Really Going On
Home for the Holidays with Eating Disorder Signs: What Now?
Understanding the Many Forms of Purging: Excessive Exercise, Laxative Misuse, and Other Bulimia Symptoms
Can Menopause Trigger an Eating Disorder?
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED): What It Is and What’s Included
How to Help a Child with an Eating Disorder
Kids and Eating Disorders: Common Signs and When to Seek Help
Binge Eating Disorder Isn’t About Willpower. Here’s What It Is About.
Understanding ARFID in Adults: How this Serious Eating Disorder Manifests Beyond Childhood
ARFID in Kids: What Does It Look Like and Why Is It Commonly Misdiagnosed?
Ask An Equip Provider: What Does Gender-Affirming Care Look Like for Eating Disorder Patients?
What Do Eating Disorders Look Like in Adults?
Eating Disorders Increase In the Postpartum Period. Here’s Why (and What to Do)
Can an Eating Disorder Test Tell You If You Should Be Worried?
What Are the 5 Warning Signs of Orthorexia?
What Is EDNOS?
Fear Foods: How They Can Lead to ARFID
What Is the Most Common Eating Disorder? (and What to Do If You Think You Have It)
Can Pregnancy Trigger an Eating Disorder?
Tactical Steps to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder
Do I Have an Eating Disorder? 7 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
5 Signs You May Have a History of Eating Disorders (Even if You Didn’t Know It)
Binge Eating Disorder Treatment: What It Looks Like and How to Get Help
4 Top Causes of Anorexia (and Some Less Common Ones, Too)
Ask An Equip Provider: How Do I Know If A Patient with an Eating Disorder Needs Hospitalization?
Male Anorexia Is More Common than You Might Think. Here's What to Know
Ask an Equip Provider: How Can I Best Support Transgender Eating Disorder Patients?
Eating Disorders Are a Mental Illness. Here's What You Need to Know.
What Is “Atypical Anorexia”? (And Why We Want to Get Rid of the Term)
Is ARFID Treatment Different from Other Eating Disorder Treatment?
Debunking 4 Common Myths about Bulimia
11 Subtle Signs of an Eating Disorder that Are Easy to Miss
Ask an Equip Provider: What Do I Need to Know About Eating Disorders in Children?
There’s No Such Thing as "Not Sick Enough” to Get Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating Disorders in Teens: What You Need To Know
Eating Disorders vs. Disordered Eating: Understanding the Difference
Boys and Men Get Eating Disorders — Here’s Why We Miss Them
What Causes Eating Disorders?
The Link Between Bullying and Eating Disorders, and What to Do About It
How Do Eating Disorders Affect Physical Health?
Understanding OSFED Symptoms: How to Spot this Little-Known Eating Disorder
Suicide Rates Are Higher in Eating Disorder Populations — Here’s What You Need to Know
What Every Educator Needs to Know For Talking to Students About Weight, Health, and Eating Disorders
What Is Bulimia Nervosa? Your Guide to Symptoms and Treatment
What Is Anorexia Nervosa and How Is It Treated?
What is BED? Everything You Need to Know About Binge Eating Disorder
Eating Disorder Symptoms Explained
If You Know Someone in the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Who has an Eating Disorder, You’ll Want to Read This
What Is ARFID? A Parent's Guide to Spotting ARFID in Children and Teens
Should You Be Worried? Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children
These Eating Disorder Myths Are Still Keeping People From Getting Help — Here are the Facts You Need to Know
Autism and Eating Disorders: What to Know and How to Provide Support
I’m an Eating Disorders Physician. Here’s What I Wish Everyone Knew About Eating Disorders
Not Sure How to Talk To a Loved One About Eating Disorders? Read This.
Winter Blues: The Complex Relationship Between Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Eating Disorders
Less Common Eating Disorders: The Types of Eating Disorders You May Not Know About
A Disease of Privilege or Poverty? The Research on Socioeconomic Status and Eating Disorders
The Different Eating Disorder Diagnoses: Understanding Signs, Symptoms & More
Why Do Latinx Folks Fall Through The Cracks of Eating Disorder Care?
How Eating Disorders Show Up (But Often Aren't Seen) in AAPI Communities
The Complex, Insidious Ways Eating Disorders Impact Black Communities
What We Know (and Have Yet to Learn) about Eating Disorders in Indigenous Communities
Transgender People May Be Significantly More Likely to Have Eating Disorders. Here's Why.
LGBTQIA+ Community Members Face Unique Risks for Eating Disorders. Here’s Why
Why We Need to Stop Thinking All People with Eating Disorders are Underweight
I'm a Latina Dietitian. Here's What I Wish People Knew About Eating Disorders in My Community
Who Really Gets Eating Disorders?
Why Eating Disorders Are Like Velociraptors
Eating Disorders in Males: Common Co-Occurring Diagnoses
Eating Disorders in Men and Boys Can Look Different. Here’s How.
Eating Disorders in Adolescents: How and When to Seek Treatment
What We Mean By “Eating Disorders Are Brain Disorders”
Can You Tell if Someone Has an Eating Disorder Just by Looking at Them?
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