Is it ARFID?
If you or a loved one struggle to eat enough food, or enough different kinds of foods (or seen as a "picky eater"), it could be avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Take this 5-minute screener to learn more.

ARFID symptoms to look out for
- Avoiding certain food groups due to taste, smell, or texture preference
- A long history of “picky” eating that has gotten worse over time
- Frequent stomach pain or other gastrointestinal complaints
- Lack of appetite or interest in food
- Fear of vomiting, choking, allergic reactions, or contamination
- Significant weight loss or stunted growth in children

Concerned about the signs above?
We recommend a professional assessment by your medical provider.
You can also contact our team for a no-obligation consultation.Questions? We can help.
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Watch: What is ARFID?
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Screener preview
While ARFID isn’t the same as picky eating, most people with ARFID have a history of picky eating. When this behavior doesn’t go away, or gets worse over time, it can be a sign that picky eating has crossed the line into an eating disorder. People with ARFID often have a highly limited range of foods they feel comfortable eating.
When Picky Eating Goes Awry: Understanding the Difference Between Selective Eating and ARFID
ARFID can cause an extreme aversion to certain tastes, textures, or smells, making it difficult to eat a variety of foods in comparison to their peers. This can lead to stress in social situations, like family meals or dining out.
Understanding ARFID Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide
A key characteristic of ARFID is having an extremely restricted diet, often limited to a small number of “safe” foods. This can make it challenging to meet nutritional needs and can lead to weight loss or medical complications.
Fear Foods: How They Can Lead to ARFID
Unlike other eating disorders, ARFID is typically not driven by body image concerns. Some people with ARFID experience a general disinterest in food, finding eating to be a chore rather than a source of enjoyment.
Is ARFID an Eating Disorder?
About this screener
This screener is designed to indicate whether you or your loved one may be at risk for avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder. It’s not intended to provide a clinically recognized diagnosis. Developed in collaboration with Equip’s Vice President of Program Development, Jessie Menzel, PhD, it draws from the Nine Item Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder screen (NIAS).
If this screener suggests you or a loved one may be at risk—or you’re concerned regardless—consulting a professional is an essential first step. Share the symptoms from this screener with your doctor to discuss your specific concerns. You can also contact Equip for a free, no-obligation phone consultation to review the signs you’re noticing. The journey to recovery is almost always easier the earlier you seek care.