Refer to Equip through your EHR
Equip is now in the national directory of trusted addresses.
EHR secure direct messaging is simple and allows you to send your referrals directly to Equip through your existing EHR.

How it works
1. Get Equip added to your EHR directory
Your EHR administrator will be able to add Equip. Share this direct address with them or have them email for support:
2. Refer to Equip
When you have a patient to refer, find Equip in your EHR and refer using secure, direct messaging.
3. Equip receives referral
4. Equip team gets in touch
How do I know if I can refer to Equip using EHR?
If you make referrals to other organizations via your EHR, you can also refer to Equip! If you aren’t sure, contact the EHR administrator at your organization.
Do I have to send referrals via EHR?
No! We receive referrals in the way most convenient for you. You can also refer by emailing, calling (855) 624-4016 ex. 2, or using our secure online form.
Does Equip communicate back to me after I send a message?
Yes, we monitor our EHR channel and will respond to messages.
Who can set this up?
Your EHR administrator will be able to add Equip. If they need support, please have them contact
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