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Eating Disorders in Men and Boys
Society tends to depict eating disorders as “female” illnesses, but this couldn’t be further than the truth. Men and boys get eating disorders too, but stereotypes and media depictions continue to center girls and women. As a result, millions of men and boys go undiagnosed and suffer alone—many without even realizing they have a problem. There are a lot of reasons why so many men and boys continue to slip through the cracks of eating disorder treatment: shame and stigma, differences in eating disorder symptoms, and lack of competent care, to name a few. Because of these barriers, it often takes getting extremely sick for a man or boy to finally get a diagnosis, meaning men and boys tend to enter treatment at a later stage and with more severe eating disorder symptoms. The good news is that evidence-based treatment works just as well for men and boys as it does for women and girls. With increased awareness about what eating disorders in men and boys look like and how to best support them, all men and boys can get the treatment they need.

Facts and statistics about eating disorders in men and boys

  • One third of all people reporting eating disorder behaviors are men or boys, including approximately a quarter of those with anorexia and bulimia, half of those with binge eating disorder, and a majority of those with ARFID.¹
  • Eating disorders may present differently in men and boys, with a focus on muscularity rather than weight loss.²
  • Men and boys represent 25% of individuals with anorexia and face a higher risk of dying. This is in part because they’re often diagnosed later—many people mistakenly assume men and boys don’t have eating disorders.³
  • Men with eating disorders have a later onset of illness than women, generally later in their teenage years as opposed to adolescence or early-mid teenage years.⁴
  • Men who were bullied in childhood often develop disordered eating and engage in compensatory exercise.⁵
Common questions about eating disorders in men and boys

Because there’s so much misinformation and stigma around eating disorders in men and boys, those struggling can feel particularly isolated and unable to reach out for help. That means concerned loved ones may need to take a more proactive role in initiating frank conversations. It’s important to approach these conversations from a place of curiosity rather than accusation, and to hear whatever your loved one has to say without judgment or criticism.

It can also be important to help your loved one find social support that lets them know they’re not alone. This might mean a support group for men and boys with eating disorders, a male peer in recovery, or online communities.

You can also help support them by challenging your own internal beliefs about eating disorders and gender. Be aware of the implicit biases you may have, and when you see biases elsewhere—on TV, in social media, in conversation—call them out. Your words and actions will not only raise awareness about eating disorders in men and boys, but also show your loved one that you see and validate their experience.

Oftentimes, yes. And because typically “female” eating disorder symptoms are the ones that are most commonly known, this difference in gender presentation contributes to underdiagnosis among men and boys.

Here are some potential differences between male and female eating disorder symptoms:

  • Men and boys with eating disorders may show less concern for their weight and body size.
  • Men and boys with eating disorders are less likely to strive for thinness, but rather for being lean and muscular.
  • Men tend to develop eating disorders later in life than women do, typically in the later teenage years.
  • Men are less likely to report out-of-control binge eating.

It’s important to note that these differences don’t apply to every man or boy with an eating disorder. Men and boys with eating disorders may have more typically “female” symptoms, or different symptoms entirely.

Men and boys account for about one-third of those with eating disorders, a significant proportion that may be higher given how many men and boys go undiagnosed and untreated. Plus, men are nearly as likely as women to have disordered eating habits that don’t meet criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis but still negatively affect their health and life.

Eating disorders often look different in men and boys, and because most people are more familiar with typically “female” symptoms, male eating disorders can hide in plain sight. While girls and women might show more obvious red flags, like extreme weight loss and/or restriction, boys and men might show symptoms that are considered normal or even praised in our society, like “bulking and cutting,” or spending an excessive amount of time at the gym.

In addition to that, assessments traditionally used to screen for eating disorders often rely on typically female criteria. In fact, it wasn’t until 2013 that amenorrhea—the absence of one’s period—was removed from the DSM-5 as mandatory criteria for an anorexia diagnosis.

There’s also the reality of shame and stigma. Because eating disorders are so often viewed as female diseases, men and boys who are struggling might feel ashamed or embarrassed about their problem, or are even unaware that they could have an eating disorder. And because our culture tends to teach men and boys to hide their emotions, these feelings often remain buried.

Another barrier is that there’s simply a lack of proper eating disorder care for men and boys in the healthcare space. Many healthcare providers remain unaware of how common eating disorders are among men and boys, and many treatment centers cater specifically to a population of girls and women.

How Equip supports men and boys with eating disorders

We know that men and boys face specific challenges in eating disorder recovery, and our treatment model is designed to help them successfully overcome each. We have a diverse team of providers that includes both men and boys with lived experience of overcoming an eating disorder and family members who have supported their sons in eating disorder recovery. This mentorship component can be crucial to recovery. Our providers have experience working with men and boys struggling with all types of eating disorders, and practice with a nuanced and informed approach to the specific ways eating disorders show up in men and boys. We also offer a support group specifically for caregivers of boys and men.
If you think you or a loved one may be struggling with an eating disorder, finding prompt treatment is vital.
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Our patients are experiencing an early and sustained response to Equip treatment
Patients requiring weight restoration who reached their target weight
After 16 weeks
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
After 1 year
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
Average decrease in eating disorder symptoms
After 16 weeks
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
After 1 year
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
Equip reflects all of the different people that they treat. Every person that we worked with on our team was so phenomenal, and I think about them all the time.
Mother of a 15 year-old son with ARFID
Heading into uncharted waters is never easy. Us dads do not always feel up to the task. The storm will still rage, but Equip will keep you off the rocks.Father of a 14 year-old son with anorexia
The support and care that Equip has provided our family has been indispensable. We are eternally grateful for this program.Mom of an 18 year-old son with OSFED
  1. Sim, Leslie. Our Eating Disorders Blind Spot: Sex and Ethnic/Racial Disparities in Help-Seeking for Eating Disorders. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. VOLUME 94, ISSUE 8, P1398-1400, AUGUST 2019
  2. Social and economic cost of eating disorders in the United States of America.” Report for the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders and the Academy for Eating Disorders, June 2020
  3. Becker, Anne E et al. “Ethnicity and differential access to care for eating disorder symptoms.” The International journal of eating disorders vol. 33,2 (2003): 205-12. doi:10.1002/eat.10129
  4. Goeree, Michelle Sovinsky, Ham, John C., & Iorio, Daniela. (2011). Race, Social Class, and Bulimia Nervosa. IZA Discussion Paper No. 5823.
  5. Robinson, Thomas N. et al. Ethnicity and body dissatisfaction: Are Hispanic and Asian girls at increased risk for eating disorders?, Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1996, Pages 384-393, ISSN 1054-139X,
  6. Striegel-Moore, R H et al. “Recurrent binge eating in black American women.” Archives of family medicine vol. 9,1 (2000): 83-7. doi:10.1001/archfami.9.1.83
  7. Akoury, Liya M. et al. “Disordered Eating in Asian American Women: Sociocultural and Culture-Specific Predictors.” Front. Psychol., 04 September 2019 Sec. Eating Behavior Volume 10 - 2019 |