Rui Tanimura, MS, RDN, CYT
Rui Tanimura is a Registered Dietitian with lived experience, and a Certified Yoga Teacher who has experience working in all levels of care treating eating disorders, from the ICU level to outpatient services.
Her therapeutic approach is to prioritize rapport building through validation, compassion, and meeting the client where they are. She shares her lived experience when clinically appropriate, and understand ways she can ensure a safe space for all of her clients. Her overall nutrition philosophy aligns with health at every size (HAES) and intuitive eating principles.She works to deeply understand clients' needs so that she can create personalized recommendations such as assessing cultural background, family culture around food/body/exercise, and past history with treatment.
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Equip is dedicated to providing accurate, accessible content. In order to do so, we ensure that all articles cite credible sources and research, and are reviewed by a licensed medical provider when relevant. We don’t accept sponsored or guest content, and regularly update content to reflect the latest evidence and thought leadership. Providing reliable information about eating disorders is our top priority.
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