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Equip Editorial Policy

At Equip, we’re committed to providing accurate, trustworthy, and helpful content. We know that when you come to our website, the stakes are high: if you’re reading our blog or exploring our website, you’re likely worried about your own health, or the health of a loved one or patient. The words we put on the Internet matter, and we make sure we can stand behind them.

To help us achieve that, all of our content is shaped by these three guiding pillars:

  • High quality. All of our content is accurate, up-to-date, and well written. We don’t share facts without citations, we don’t use research from two decades ago, and we don’t publish writing that’s unclear, tone deaf, or grammatically incorrect.
  • Helpfulness. When you’re reading about eating disorder treatment, odds are that you have a goal to achieve or a problem to solve: diagnosing an eating disorder, finding treatment, helping a loved one. Every piece of content we create has clear, actionable takeaways and is intended to leave you better informed than you were before reading it.
  • Humanity. We’re human. You're human. Eating disorder recovery is a deeply human experience. We write content for you and to you, and feature the voices of real people who have lived experience with the topics we cover.
Lastly, we (of course) stand behind Equip treatment and believe our approach can lead to lasting recovery for everyone struggling with an eating disorder. But we will never promote Equip at the expense of accuracy or sharing resources that may be helpful to a reader. Our top priority is to help everyone with an eating disorder reach recovery, and the content we publish will always have that as its primary focus.

What you can expect from our articles

As part of our effort to achieve all of the above, we abide by certain uncompromising standards for our blog articles. This means that we will never publish:
  • Sponsored articles
  • Articles with an agenda
  • Quotes or insights from sources without proper credentials
  • Facts without a credible source linked in the article
  • Triggering content or fear-mongering content without actionable information
Instead, every Equip article is:
  • Thoroughly researched using primary sources, with references listed at the bottom of the article
  • Supported by insights from subject matter experts
  • Edited by objective peers
  • Clinically reviewed by a licensed professional whose expertise aligns with the subject matter
  • Updated regularly

Sources for Equip articles

The Internet is full of misinformation, outdated information, and contradictory information. We strive to ensure that our content counteracts this reality rather than contributing to it. We do this by only publishing information that we know to be true and have verified with credible primary sources. We prefer peer-reviewed sources published in academic journals, and encyclopedias, as well as other reputable resources selected and vetted on a case-by-case basis. This means we often cite sources from the National Library of Medicine and other government (.gov) websites, along with sources from universities and other academic institutions. Journals we frequently cite include the Journal of Eating Disorders, International Journal of Eating Disorders, BMC Medicine, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Eating Behaviors, and The Lancet, among others. Every article we publish includes a complete list of references so that you can visit the original source for each fact cited in the piece.

Our editorial team

Equip articles are written by a mix of clinicians and experienced writers and journalists, which includes Equip team members and individual contributors. Every article that doesn’t come directly from a clinician is written in close collaboration with clinical experts and based on in-depth research from up-to-date sources. Every article is also reviewed by an Equip clinician for accuracy. The clinician chosen to review an article will depend on the subject of the article (for instance, a dietitian would review an article on veganism in recovery, whereas a licensed therapist would review an article on co-occurring anxiety and eating disorders). If they flag something as inaccurate or potentially misleading, we revise the article to provide clear, factual information. We take this seriously, because we know that it is serious. Our editorial policy ensures that we’re always working toward our ultimate goal: to ensure that everyone struggling with an eating disorder gets the help they need to achieve lasting recovery.