Maria La Via, MD
Director of Psychiatry, Equip


Maria La Via is a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist who has spent her entire career doing research and clinical work focused on the treatment of eating disorders. Maria began her career at the University of Pittsburgh where she spent 10 years as assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health and Medical Director of the Center for Overcoming Problem Eating and Behavioral Medicine. She moved on to become Associate Professor of Psychiatry and  Medical and Clinical Director of the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders at UNC Chapel Hill, where she spent the subsequent 10 years. After leaving UNC, she opened her own private practice while also taking on the role of Medical Director at Veritas Collaborative, a specialty healthcare system for the treatment of individuals with eating disorders. Maria is currently the Director of Psychiatry at Equip, an evidence-based virtual eating disorder treatment program.

About our editorial process

Equip is dedicated to providing accurate, accessible content. In order to do so, we ensure that all articles cite credible sources and research, and are reviewed by a licensed medical provider when relevant. We don’t accept sponsored or guest content, and regularly update content to reflect the latest evidence and thought leadership. Providing reliable information about eating disorders is our top priority.

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