Kathryn Coniglio, PhD

Program Development Lead


Kathryn is a clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience in eating disorders research and clinical care provision. Much of her research and professional career has been spent exploring exercise motivation among those with eating disorders. As a former college athlete, she knows that exercise can be a source of pride, but it can also get in the way of living a long, healthy life. She studies how we can leverage what we know about motivation to help people exercise in a way that is sustainable and consistent with their values.

Kathryn has worked in hospitals, primary care settings, college counseling centers, cardiac rehabilitation facilities; with young kids and older adults; in-person and online. The common through-line of her diverse clinical training has been helping people behave differently to live a meaningful life.

Educational background

  • Tufts University, B.A. Clinical Psychology
  • Rutgers University, PhD, Clinical Psychology

Professional accomplishments

  • G. Terence Wilson Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
  • P.E.O. Sisterhood Scholar Award
  • Alex DeVinny Memorial Scholarship Award
  • International Scientific Research Honor Society
  • Associated with Rutgers University National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship
  • Clinical Training Award

About our editorial process

Equip is dedicated to providing accurate, accessible content. In order to do so, we ensure that all articles cite credible sources and research, and are reviewed by a licensed medical provider when relevant. We don’t accept sponsored or guest content, and regularly update content to reflect the latest evidence and thought leadership. Providing reliable information about eating disorders is our top priority.

Read more about our editorial policy
All names, likenesses, and identifying information have been changed in accordance with privacy laws. Images are of models, not actual patients.