Kara Pepper, MD

East Coast Medical Supervisor and Consultant


Dr. Kara Pepper is a practicing primary care internist and executive coach in Atlanta, GA. After 14 years in private practice, Dr. Pepper built her own 18-state telemedicine practice for adults across the southeast, primarily in eating disorder care. She provides executive coaching to organizations and individuals, leads retreats, and speaks nationally on topics surrounding clinician wellness. Dr. Pepper is the host of the "It's Not Just You" podcast, stories of survival, humanism, and heroics in medicine.

About our editorial process

Equip is dedicated to providing accurate, accessible content. In order to do so, we ensure that all articles cite credible sources and research, and are reviewed by a licensed medical provider when relevant. We don’t accept sponsored or guest content, and regularly update content to reflect the latest evidence and thought leadership. Providing reliable information about eating disorders is our top priority.

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All names, likenesses, and identifying information have been changed in accordance with privacy laws. Images are of models, not actual patients.