JD Ouellette
Director, Lived Experience


JD Ouellette is Equip’s Director of Lived Experience, formerly Director of Mentorship and an educator who came to this work after the youngest of her four children developed anorexia nervosa in 2012. Grateful that her family benefited from early, aggressive intervention with evidence-based care, she channeled her gratitude and personal and professional skill sets into ensuring all families have access to the same psychoeducation, skills coaching, and support that made the difference for her family and enabled her to daughter to achieve full, robust, long term recovery.

About our editorial process

Equip is dedicated to providing accurate, accessible content. In order to do so, we ensure that all articles cite credible sources and research, and are reviewed by a licensed medical provider when relevant. We don’t accept sponsored or guest content, and regularly update content to reflect the latest evidence and thought leadership. Providing reliable information about eating disorders is our top priority.