We know recovery is possible.
We see it every day.
What Equip treatment looks like for real patients





Kira is a 25-year-old woman with Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED). She struggled with restricting, bingeing, and purging, but didn’t clinically fit into the more well-known eating disorder diagnoses.

Stuck in a perfectionism cycleKira exercised compulsively every day. She also had very rigid rules about how much she should be eating, and was hard on herself when those rules weren’t met. This sometimes triggered a cycle of binge-eating, followed by purging, restricting, or excessive exercise.
12 million
women in the US are affected by OSFED
Determined to make a changeKira was extremely motivated to stop bingeing when she signed up for Equip. She asked her mom to be involved, and the two committed to a learning process together.
Breaking a larger pattern
While Kira was ready to overcome her binge-eating, she initially had a hard time recognizing that her restrictive diet and overexercising were contributing factors. She initially struggled to change her habits, and would fall back into bingeing whenever she felt she had failed.
Making strides
With time and the support of her mom and Equip care team, Kira started to apply new skills and started to see a reduction of bingeing, which helped build up her self-confidence.
Living differently
Now Kira not only understands the cycle she was caught in, but also feels empowered to turn to the skills she has mastered to prevent it. She has cut back on her rigorous exercise routine and now enjoys new, joyful forms of movement and meditation.
All names and identifying information have been changed in accordance with privacy laws.
Who we help
We treat patients of all ages in all 50 states with all types of eating disorders, as well as those without a formal diagnosis.
We also treat co-occurring conditions like anxiety, depression, and OCD.
Equip treats people of all ages in all 50 states with all types of eating disorders.
AnorexiaAvoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)Other specified feeding and eating disorder (OSFED)Bulimia Binge eating disorder (BED)What patients say about Equip
Our patients are experiencing an early and sustained response to Equip treatment
Patients requiring weight restoration who reached their target weight
After 16 weeks
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
After 1 year
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
Average decrease in eating disorder symptoms
After 16 weeks
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
After 1 year
Average weekly weight gain for those who need it
Talk to an eating disorder expertAny information you provide is secure and confidential.