Your back-to-school guide
Keeping recovery strong when school’s back in session

Your back-to-school checklist
Talk to your school or college about accommodations and assignments, classes, or activities that may need to be missed.
Ensure your or your loved one's back-to-school wardrobe has clothes that fit their body as it is today.
Create a plan for support on campus, including any meal supervision if needed.
Share resources with your school or college on how to create a safe, body-neutral, safe environment for all students.

Download the guide
Tips for supporting loved ones
Resources for educatorsTips for talking to students
Frame exercise as a fun activity that helps you feel a certain way, not look a certain way.
Be neutral when talking about food. Avoiding words like “good” or “bad,” “healthy” or “unhealthy.”
Research the Health at Every Size (HAES) framework to better understand the relationship between weight and health.
Find a time to share your observations with the student or their family in a nonjudgmental way if you’re concerned.
How to support your students
How you can help make
curriculum saferTips for partnering with educators
Review assignments for harmful messages around food, weight, and bodies.
Discuss with educators why such messages can be dangerous, and offer alternatives.
Share trusted resources on eating disorders, like Equip.
Offer to organize an eating disorder awareness event, like a school assembly, PTA meeting, or virtual webinar.

How to talk about food, body, and more
Interested in having a virtual talk about eating disorders at your school or college?